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Location 2: Inside the Hive

Location 2: Inside The Hive
The history of the area around The Hive
Performer: Heather Wastie
Writer & performer, Heather Wastie talks about the history of the local area around the Hive.
HH Fact: A German aircraft bombed Worcester at lunchtime on 3rd October 1940. War-time censorship meant that Worcester couldn’t be named as the target – the headline being “Bombs fall on Midland towns today”
Ever wondered why the area between the river & The Hive is called the Cattle Market? Well… let’s turn the clock back to a time when it would have been full of sheep, pigs, cattle, horses & poultry.

Boys & men in front of the railway bridge as it was being rebuilt in 1904.
Image courtesy of Worcestershire Archives.

Inspired by oral history recordings, Heather shares stories of cows in Netherton Lane, primitive toilets in the school yard, the evacuation of the almshouses when Croft Walk was flooded, the day Worcester was bombed & what went on underneath the arches!
About Heather Wastie
Former Worcestershire Poet Laureate, Heather Wastie lives near Kidderminster & is well known for her interpretations of oral history. In 2017, she wrote & performed poems for Nationwide Building Society’s ad campaign. She has published seven poetry collections, most recently ‘The Muck & Shovel Brigade’ (The Ring, Canal & River Trust). www.WastiesSpace.co.uk
About Stephen Wilson
Heather is joined Stephen Wilson, a creative practitioner & writer who has worked in a number of different venues in London & the West Midlands.
Equal Vision CIC Ltd.
Creative Projects for Curious People
Equal Vision Community Interest
Company Number 10053841
Web Design © SJ&Co Creative

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Equal Vision CIC Ltd
Creative projects for curious people
Community Interest Company
Number: 10053841
Web Design © SJ&Co Creative